10 Questions for Mary Tatton - Getting to Know MBPS

What did you do before you found this career?

Owned/Operated - International Yacht Brokerage - Malaysia, Boat Building Company and Corporate Catering Co – Australia. International Air Hostess - New Zealand, Sales & Marketing and Admin - IBM Australia and New Zealand and English Teacher - Spain

What has been the highlight of your career?

Marketing and Securing export orders to the USA for our Boat Building Business

What is your greatest daily challenge?

Balancing the hours in a day to give 110% to my job that I love while keeping in touch with myself, my family and my friends

Where do you see yourself in 10 years?

Still….. Selling Real Estate with MBPS, living at or on the water , surrounded by ever increasing family and taking time out to travel frequently….

Where do you find inspiration?

From the beach/ocean and nature in general. I also love observing the history in faces of older people and learning their stories.

What’s your favourite restaurant?

Mangoes in Langkawi

What’s your favourite book?

Tuesdays with MORRIE – Mitch Albom.

What do you do in your free time?

Walk, socialise, sunbathe, sail, theatre/music, cook/eat, read, massage and sleep!

Name one thing we may not know about you?

I enjoy the challenge of learning something new – presently Forex Trading and being involved in projects with Real Estate or Boats.

Posted By shelley-fuller

Updated : 9th December 2021 | Words : 226 | Views : 1336

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