Property Listing Tips


Take advantage of some of our Property Listing Tips.

How to choose the right agent

If you take the right approach, choosing the right agent is a very simple task. Choosing the wrong agent can cost you tens of thousands of dollars in a poor sale price, cost you precious time with the result being unnecessary stress. Your home is most likely your most valuable ...

Posted By Shelley Fuller
25th November 2016 (Updated 9th October 2021)
Duration : 2 Minute Read
Views : 2078

Why is getting my asking price right so important?

Because buyer interest is highest when your property is new to the market. The best price will be achieved if the property is priced exactly right from the start. If your property is priced right you have a very good chance of attracting multiple offers early on and this can ...

Posted By Shelley Fuller
13th October 2016 (Updated 9th October 2021)
Duration : 2 Minute Read
Views : 1954

Advertising your property - Make sure you stand out from the crowd!

The basic aim of real estate advertising is simple - to ensure more people see your property so you have a greater chance of achieving the best possible sale price. No matter how hard you've worked to prepare your property, or how good it looks, if buyers don’t know about ...

Posted By Shelley Fuller
7th October 2016 (Updated 9th October 2021)
Duration : 3 Minute Read
Views : 1952

Tips on how to prepare for your Open Homes

Preparing for your open home! Do all these things and you optimise your opportunity to sell at a higher price and in a better time frame. 1. De-clutter • Not only will this improve the way your home looks and feels it will help with the moving process in the near future!• ...

Posted By Shelley Fuller
23rd September 2016 (Updated 9th October 2021)
Duration : 3 Minute Read
Views : 1647

Is the onsite manager the best choice as my selling agent?

Main Beach is a suburb made up of many types of residential properties but the most prevalent type is definitely the residential apartment. Most of these buildings/complexes have onsite managers. When the developer constructs the building they not only sell the apartments but ...

Posted By Shelley Fuller
9th September 2016 (Updated 11th October 2021)
Duration : 2 Minute Read
Views : 2242

A picture is worth a thousand words!

Make sure your images attract the attention of your buyers. My discussion with buyers reveals that if the photography on a listing online is of poor quality, blurry, low light, low resolution etc they will not explore the property further. A picture tells a thousand words…. ...

Annette SinclairPosted By Annette Sinclair
15th May 2015 (Updated 9th October 2021)
Duration : 2 Minute Read
Views : 2887
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